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In Boom Arena, cards are your go-to for bringing in troops, spells, and buildings during the battle
There are three types of cards: troops, spells, and buildings. Spells are like magic moves you can use anywhere, while buildings (they stay put and disappear over time) and troops (they move around) can only be put in your territory.
Right now, we've got 71 cards for you to play with. Each card has different stuff like how tough it is, what it targets, how much damage it does, and more. This makes choosing cards a big part of how you play and win.
1. Hitpoint (HP): This is how much damage a card can take before getting knocked out. The higher the Hitpoints, the tougher the card.
2. Target: Describes what the card prefers attacking—whether it goes after troops, buildings, or both.
3. Area Damage: Indicates how much damage a card does to multiple things in its attack radius. Great for taking down groups of enemies.
4. Damage/sec: This is how much damage a card deals per second. A higher number means more firepower.
5. Range: The distance a card can attack from. Longer range allows cards to attack enemies from a safer distance.
6. Attack Speed: The speed at which a card delivers its attacks. Faster attack speed means more hits in less time.
7. Speed: Represents how fast a troop moves across the battlefield. Faster troops can quickly reach their targets.
8. Deploy Time: The time it takes for a card to be ready for action after being placed on the battlefield.